Chat cards

To present information in the Alan AI Chat in a structured and visually appealing way, you can display AI agent messages as cards.

A card is a container that can hold text, images, icons and other information. Cards are designed to present data in a simple and focused manner, making it easier for users to scan and comprehend the content.

You can use cards to showcase a variety of content, including:

  • Greeting messages

  • Recommendations or suggestions

  • Product details

  • Content summary and more

Card display options

To display cards in the chat UI, you can:

  • Add Markdown formatted text to the function

  • Use the showPopup() function in the script

You can display a card as Markdown formatted text in the function. To do this:

  1. Format the card text using Markdown. For details, see Markdown Basic Syntax.

  2. In the function, enable the markdown option: opts({markdown: true}). For details, see Play options.

In the example below, the AI agent displays a greeting to the user when a new dialog session starts:

Dialog script
onCreateUser(p => {
    const greetingImage = "";
    const greetingTitle = "Hi, this is Alan, your AI agent!";
    const greetingText = "You can talk to me, ask questions and perform tasks with text commands. For example, you can ask: \n - What pricing plans are available? \n - How do I contact Sales? \n - Where can I find Alan docs?";
    const img = `<img style="display: block;margin-bottom: 20px; height:75px" src="${greetingImage}"/>`;
    const title = `<div style="margin-bottom: 10px;font-weight: 700;font-size: 20px;">${greetingTitle}</div>`;`${img}${title}${greetingText}`, opts({ force: true, markdown: true, audio: false, greeting: true}));

You can display a card using the showPopup() function.

In the example below, the AI agent displays a greeting to the user when a new dialog session starts:

Dialog script
onCreateUser(p => {
    const greetingImage = "";
    const greetingTitle = "WELCOME!";
    const greetingText = "I'm Alan, your AI agent, standing by to provide you with information and support";
    const backgroundColor = "#f6f6f6";
    const topBackgroundColor = "#fff";
    const bottomHeight = "310px";

        style:`.img {width: 240px;margin: 20px;}.info-popup {background: ${backgroundColor};max-width: 100%;height: ${bottomHeight};width: 100%;max-height: ${topBackgroundColor};box-shadow: 0px 1px 3px rgba(16, 39, 126, 0.2);overflow: hidden;border-radius: 10px;display: block;-webkit-box-orient: vertical;-webkit-box-direction: normal;-ms-flex-direction: column;flex-direction: column}.info-popup_header {background: ${topBackgroundColor};padding: 0px;display: block;color: #000;font-size: 22px;font-weight: 700;text-align: center;background: #fff;background-repeat: no-repeat;background-position: center center;background-size: 100% 100%}.info-popup_body {display: -webkit-box;display: -ms-flexbox;display: flex;-webkit-box-orient: vertical;-webkit-box-direction: normal;-ms-flex-direction: column;flex-direction: column;font-weight: 400;font-size: 23px;line-height: 48px;text-align: center;color: #000;padding: 9px ​50px;height: 89px;}.info-popup_pointer-button {margin: 20px 20px;line-height: 20px;}`,
        html: `<div class="info-popup"><div class="info-popup_header" style="font-size: 21px;"><img type="image/svg+xml" class="img" src="${greetingImage}" alt="image" /></div><div class="info-popup_body"><div class="info-popup_pointer-button grey-arrow">${greetingTitle}<br/><span style="font-size:14px; font-weight:400; display: contents;">${greetingText}</span></div></div></div>`,
        overlay: true,
        buttonMarginInPopup: 15,
        force: false,
         type: "chat",

Card display events

You can choose to display a card in the chat on different events, for example:

  • When the dialog transitions between different states: the user starts a new dialog session, the visual state is set, a specific Alan AI event is fired and so on. For details, see Lifecycle callbacks.

  • When an intent is matched. For details, see User commands.

  • When a project API method is called. For details, see Project API.

In the example below, the AI agent displays a greeting card to the user when a new dialog session starts and the onCreateUser() predefined callback is invoked:

Dialog script
onCreateUser(p => {
    const greetingImage = "";
    const greetingTitle = "Hi, this is Alan, your AI agent!";
    const greetingText = "You can talk to me, ask questions and perform tasks with text commands. For example, you can ask: \n - What pricing plans are available? \n - How do I contact Sales? \n - Where can I find Alan docs?";
    const image = `<img style="display: block;margin-bottom: 20px; height:75px" src="${greetingImage}"/>`;
    const title = `<div style="margin-bottom: 10px;font-weight: 700;font-size: 20px;">${greetingTitle}</div>`;`${image}${title}${greetingText}`, opts({ force: true, markdown: true, audio: false, greeting: true}));

In the example below, the AI agent displays a card to the user when the What platforms do you support? intent is matched:

Dialog script
intent('What platforms do you support?', p => {
    const cardImage = "";
    const cardText = "We support a broad range of languages and frameworks, including: \n\n - React \n\n - Angular \n\n - Flutter \n\n - Ionic and [more](";
    const image = `<img style="display: block;margin-bottom: 20px;" src="${cardImage}"/>`;`${image}${cardText}`, opts({ force: true, markdown: true, audio: false, greeting: true}));

In the example below, the AI agent displays a greeting when the Alan AI button is authorized and the sendGreetingMessage() project API method is invoked in the app:

Dialog script
projectAPI.sendGreetingMessage = function(p, param, callback) {
    const greetingImage = "";
    const greetingTitle = "Hi, this is Alan, your AI agent!";
    const greetingText = "You can talk to me, ask questions and perform tasks with text commands. For example, you can ask: \n - What pricing plans are available? \n - How do I contact Sales? \n - Where can I find Alan docs?";
    const image = `<img style="display: block;margin-bottom: 20px; height:75px" src="${greetingImage}"/>`;
    const title = `<div style="margin-bottom: 10px;font-weight: 700;font-size: 20px;">${greetingTitle}</div>`;`${image}${title}${greetingText}`, opts({ force: true, markdown: true, audio: false, greeting: true}));
Client app
  var alanBtnInstance = alanBtn({
    onConnectionStatus: function (status) {
      if (status === 'authorized') {
    rootEl: document.getElementById("alan-btn"),

Card parameters

The showPopup() function displaying cards in the chat takes the following parameters:





HTML markup

Contains the HTML markup of the card.


CSS markup

Contains the styles of the card.



If showPopop() is used after the play() function, defines whether the card must be displayed immediately (true) or after the text specified in the play() function has been played (false).



Defines the type of AI agent: chat.



Contains an input object to be applied to handlebar templates used in the card text. For details, see Card text values .