Ionic React

Available on: Web platform Android iOS

Integrating with Alan AI

To integrate an Ionic Angular app with Alan AI, you need to do the following:

  1. Create an Ionic React app

  2. Install Alan AI packages

  3. Add the Alan AI button

Step 1. Create an Ionic React app

If you want to create an app with a conversational experience from scratch, in the Terminal, run the following commands. Otherwise move on to step 2.

npm install -g ionic
cd <appFolder>
ionic start <appName> <template> [options]

For details, see Ionic documentation.

Step 2. Install Alan AI packages

You need to install the Alan AI SDK Cordova component and Alan AI Web Component package.

  1. Navigate to the folder where your app resides:

    cd appName
  2. Install the Alan AI SDK Cordova component:

    npm install @alan-ai/cordova-plugin-alan-voice --save
  3. Install the Alan AI Web Component package:

    npm install @alan-ai/alan-button --save


To be able to run Ionic apps on mobile devices, you must install the Alan AI button as the Web Component using the following packages: @alan-ai/alan-button and @alan-ai/cordova-plugin-alan-voice. Do not use the @alan-ai/alan-sdk-web package: it is intended for non cross-platform web apps and pages.

Step 3. Add the Alan AI button

You need to create a wrapper component for the Alan AI button and update your app to embed the button to it.

  1. Create a wrapper component for the Alan AI button. In the src/components app folder, create the AlanBtn.tsx file:

    import React, {
     } from 'react';
     import { withRouter } from 'react-router';
     const AlanBtn: React.FC = (props: any) => {
       const alanBtnComponent = useRef<any>(null);
       useEffect(() => {
         alanBtnComponent.current.addEventListener('command', (data: CustomEvent) => {
           const commandData = data.detail;
           if (commandData.command === 'command') {
             /* Call client code that will react to the received command */
       }, []);
       return <alan-button ref={alanBtnComponent} alan-key="YOUR_KEY_FROM_ALAN_STUDIO_HERE" />;
     export default withRouter(AlanBtn);

    The Effect Hook in the Alan AI button component lets you subscribe to command events from Alan AI. It’s a place where you can set up logic on how your app will react to commands received from the dialog script.

  2. In alan-key, replace YOUR_KEY_FROM_ALAN_STUDIO_HERE with the Alan AI SDK key for your Alan AI Studio project. To get the key, in Alan AI Studio, at the top of the code editor, click Integrations and copy the value from the Alan SDK Key field.

    const AlanBtn: React.FC = (props: any) => {
      return <alan-button ref={alanBtnComponent} alan-key="6f60897fd223a4367d43485dbc3cb44a2e956eca572e1d8b807a3e2338fdd0dc/stage" />;
    export default withRouter(AlanBtn);
  3. In the App.tsx file, add the following import statement to import the Alan AI button component:

    import AlanBtn from './components/AlanBtn';

    see full source

  4. In the App.tsx file, add the Alan AI button component:

    const App: React.FC = () => (
          <AlanBtn />

    see full source

  5. In the src folder, create a typescript declaration file named alan-btn.d.ts:

    declare namespace JSX {
      interface IntrinsicElements {
        [tagName:string]: any
  6. In the index.tsx file, import the Alan AI button component and bind it to the window object:

    import {
    } from '@alan-ai/alan-button/dist/loader';
    applyPolyfills().then(_ => {

    see full source

That’s it. You can now add voice and text commands to the script in Alan AI Studio, run the app, click the Alan AI button and interact with the app with voice.


Regularly update the Alan AI packages your project depends on. To check if a newer version is available, run npm outdated. To update the package, run npm update <alan-package-name>. For more details, see npm documentation.

Specifying the Alan AI button parameters

You can specify the following parameters for the Alan AI button added to your app:






The Alan AI SDK key for a project in Alan AI Studio.


JSON object

The authentication or configuration data to be sent to the dialog script. For details, see authData.

Using client API methods

You can use the following client API methods in your app:


Use the setVisualState() method to inform the AI agent about the app’s visual context. For details, see setVisualState().

Client app
const alanBtnComponent = useRef<any>(null);

alanBtnComponent.current.setVisualState({data: 'your data'});


Use the callProjectApi() method to send data from the client app to the dialog script and trigger activities without voice and text commands. For details, see callProjectApi().

Dialog script
projectAPI.myFunc = function(p, param, callback) {
Client app
const alanBtnComponent = useRef<any>(null);

alanBtnComponent.current.callProjectApi("myFunc", {myData: 123}, function (error, result) {
  console.log("cb from myFunc was received", error, result);


Use the playText() method to play specific text in the client app. For details, see playText().

Client app
const alanBtnComponent = useRef<any>(null);

alanBtnComponent.current.playText("Hi! I am Alan");


Use the sendText() method to send a text message to Alan AI as the user’s input. For details, see sendText().

Client app
const alanBtnComponent = useRef<any>(null);

alanBtnComponent.current.sendText("Hello, Alan, can you help me?");


Use the playCommand() method to execute a specific command in the client app. For details, see playCommand().

Client app
const alanBtnComponent = useRef<any>(null);

alanBtnComponent.current.playCommand({command:"navigate", screen: "settings"});


Use the activate() method to activate the Alan AI button programmatically. For details, see activate().

Client app
const alanBtnComponent = useRef<any>(null);



Use the deactivate() method to deactivate the Alan AI button programmatically. For details, see deactivate().

Client app
const alanBtnComponent = useRef<any>(null);



Use the isActive() method to check the Alan AI button state: active or not. For details, see isActive().

Client app
const alanBtnComponent = useRef<any>(null);



Use the remove() method to remove the Alan AI button from the parent element. For details, see remove().

Client app
const alanBtnComponent = useRef<any>(null);



Use the getWakewordEnabled() method to check the state of the wake word for the Alan AI button. For details, see getWakewordEnabled().

Client app
const alanBtnComponent = useRef<any>(null);

const isWakewordEnabled = await alanBtnComponent.current.getWakewordEnabled();


Use the setWakewordEnabled() method to enable or disable the wake word for the Alan AI button. For details, see setWakewordEnabled().

Client app
const alanBtnComponent = useRef<any>(null);


Using handlers

You can use the following Alan AI handlers in your app:

onCommand handler

Use the onCommand handler to handle commands sent from the dialog script. For details, see onCommand handler.

Client app
alanBtnComponent.current.addEventListener('command', (data: CustomEvent) => {
  const commandData = data.detail;
  if (commandData.command === 'navigation') {
     // call client code that will react to the received command

onButtonState handler

Use the onButtonState handler to capture and handle the Alan AI button state changes. For details, see onButtonState handler.

Client app
alanBtnComponent.current.addEventListener('buttonState', (data: CustomEvent) => {
  const stateData = data.detail;'Button state:', stateData);

onConnectionStatus handler

Use the onConnectionStatus handler to capture and handle the connection status for the AI agent project. For details, see onConnectionStatus handler.

Client app
alanBtnComponent.current.addEventListener('connectionStatus', (data: CustomEvent) => {
  const connectionData = data.detail;'Received status: ', connectionData);

onEvent handler

Use the onEvent handler to capture and handle events emitted by Alan AI: get user’s utterances, agent responses and so on. For details, see onEvent handler.

Client app
alanBtnComponent.current.addEventListener('event', (data: CustomEvent) => {
  const eventData = data.detail;'Received event: ', eventData.text);

What’s next?

Example apps

Find and explore examples of AI agents in Alan AI GitHub.