Using shortcuts

You can use your keyboard to accomplish multiple tasks in Alan AI Studio. Here is a list of shortcuts that you may find handy when writing code.

General shortcuts

  • Cmd + / — comment out the current line or block of code or uncomment the commented one

  • Cmd + D — duplicate the current line or block of code

  • Cmd + Del — delete the current line or block of code

  • Cmd + Alt + L — prettify (auto-format) the current script

  • Shift + Tab — prettify (auto-format) the current line or block of code

  • Cmd + S — save the changes

  • Cmd + left mouse click on the function or variable — navigate to the function or variable definition

  • Shift + Backspace — navigate back

  • Ctrl + / — comment out the current line or block of code or uncomment the commented one

  • Ctrl + D — duplicate the current line or block of code

  • Ctrl + Del — delete the current line or block of code-editor-theme-and-font-size

  • Ctrl + Alt + L — prettify (auto-format) the current script

  • Shift + Tab — prettify (auto-format) the current line or block of code

  • Ctrl + S — save the changes

  • Ctrl + left mouse click on the function or variable — navigate to the function or variable definition

  • Shift + Backspace — navigate back

Find and replace text shortcuts

  • Cmd + F — open the search bar

  • Cmd + Shift + F — open the search and replace bar

  • Enter — move to the next occurrence

  • Shift + Enter — move to the previous occurrence

  • (With the focus in the Replace field) Enter — replace the current occurrence with a new string

  • Cmd + Alt + Enter — replace all occurrences with a new string

  • Esc — close the search bar

  • Ctrl + F — open the search bar

  • Ctrl + Shift + F — open the search and replace bar

  • Enter — move to the next occurrence

  • Shift + Enter — move to the previous occurrence

  • (With the focus in the Replace field) Enter — replace the current occurrence with a new string

  • Ctrl + Alt + Enter — replace all occurrences with a new string

  • Esc — close the search bar