Intent transforms

You can transform AI agent responses from the intent() function to meet your requirements.

Assume you have the infrastructure description presented as text. You want your AI agent to be able to answer questions about the infrastructure components and show their details as structured and formatted text in the Alan AI Chat.

For this, you can do the following:

  1. Add a transform named format with the following rules:

    Example 1

    • Instruction: The input contains the infrastructure description in plain text, the query contains sample questions, the result contains formatted text

    • Input: Web Server VM (Web-01): hosting the company website, Ubuntu Server 20.04, 4 vCPUs, 8GB RAM, IP address, input format: text

    • Query: What is the Web-01 configuration?

    • Result: example of output data, output format: markdown:

      Result field
      ## VM name: Web Server VM (Web-01)
      - **Purpose**: Hosting the company website.
      - **Configuration**:
        - **OS**: Ubuntu Server 20.04
        - **Resources**: 4 vCPUs, 8GB RAM
        - **IP Address**:

    Example 2

    • Instruction: The input contains the infrastructure description in plain text, the query contains sample questions, the result contains formatted text

    • Input: Web Server VM (Web-01): hosting the company website, Ubuntu Server 20.04, 4 vCPUs, 8GB RAM, IP address, input format: text

    • Query: What OS does the Web-01 VM run?

    • Result: example of output data: The **Web-01** runs **Ubuntu Server 20.04**, output format: markdown

  2. Add the following code to your dialog script:

    Dialog script
    let infrastructure = `
        Data Center: Main Data Center
        Virtual Machines:
        1. Web Server VM (Web-01): hosting the company website, Ubuntu Server 20.04, 4 vCPUs, 8GB RAM, IP address
        2. App Server VM (App-01): running business applications, CentOS 7, 2 vCPUs, 4GB RAM, IP address:
        3. Database Server VM (DB-01): hosting relational databases, Windows Server 2019, 8 vCPUs, 16GB RAM, IP address:
    intent("Show the $(VM* .+ ) configuration", async p => {"Just a second...");
            // Transform review data
            let i = await transforms.format({
                input: infrastructure,
                query: 'What is the configuration of ' + p.VM.value
        "(What|How many) $(RESOURCE* .+) does $(VM* .+) (run|have)?",
        "(What|How much|How many) $(RESOURCE* .+) (is|are) (available|) on $(VM* .+)?",
        async p => {
  "Just a second...");
           // Transform review data
           let i = await transforms.format({
               input: infrastructure,
               query: p.RESOURCE.value + ' available on ' + p.VM.value

    Here, the infrastructure description in plain text is saved to infrastructure. When the user asks to show the configuration of a specific VM or asks about resources available on a specific VM, a corresponding intent is invoked and the text is transformed to the necessary format:


Assume you have a JSON-formatted list of product reviews. You want to pre-process this data to:

  • Present data in an aesthetic format using markdown

  • Extract pros and cons from the review text and present them as bulleted text

For this, you can do the following:

  1. Add a transform named summarize with the following rules:

    • Instruction: The input contains the initial JSON, the query contains fields description, the result shows what fields should be available and how the text should be formatted

    • Input: {"Name": "Emily", "Rating": "4/5", "Review": "A solid fitness tracker with accurate measurements. I appreciate the waterproof design, which allows me to wear it while swimming. The battery life is decent, but I wish it had more customizable watch faces."}, input format: JSON

    • Query: Name is the name of the user who left feedback, rating is the rating set, review contains the product pro and cons

    • Result: example of output data, output format: markdown

      Result field
      # Product reviews
      ## Name
      - **Pros**: Accurate measurements, waterproof design, decent battery life
      - **Cons**: Few customizable watch faces
      - **Rating**: rating
  2. Add the following code to your dialog script:

    Dialog script
    let productReviews = {
        "reviews": [
                "name": "Sarah",
                "rating": "5/5",
                "review": "I've been using this fitness tracker for a few weeks now, and it's been a game-changer for my fitness journey. It accurately tracks my steps and heart rate. The sleep tracking feature is a bonus, helping me improve my sleep patterns. The app is user-friendly, and the battery life is impressive. Highly recommend!"
                "name": "Chris",
                "rating": "4/5",
                "review": "The fitness tracker is great for tracking my daily activities. The heart rate monitor is quite accurate, and I like the variety of sports modes. My only wish is for a brighter display in direct sunlight. Overall, a solid choice."
                "name": "Linda",
                "rating": "5/5",
                "review": "I love this fitness tracker. It's lightweight, comfortable to wear, and the battery lasts for days. The sleep tracking is a lifesaver, helping me identify areas for improvement. The app is intuitive, and it syncs seamlessly with my phone. Couldn't be happier!"
    intent(`Show product reviews`, async (p)=> {`Collecting product reviews...`);
        // Transform review data
        let r = await transforms.summarize({
            input: productReviews,
            query: 'JSON containing a list of product reviews'

    Here, reviews in JSON format are saved to productReviews. When the user asks to show reviews, the review data is summarized and formatted to be presented using the defined template:


Assume you have a JSON-formatted list of apartments. When the user asks: Show available apartments, you want to display these appartments in an aesthetic format.

For this, you can do the following:

  1. Add a transform named render with the following rules:

    • Instruction: The input contains the apartment description in JSON, the query contains sample questions, the result contains formatted text

    • Input: {"name": "Luxury Penthouse with Panoramic Views", "location": "789 Skyline Drive, Metropolis", "price": "$1,200,000", "bedrooms": 3, "bathrooms": 3, "image": "", "url": ""}, input format: JSON

    • Query: Show available apartments, What apartments do you offer?

    • Result: example of output data, output format: HTML

      Result field
        <img src="" alt="Luxury Penthouse with Panoramic Views">
        <h4>Luxury Penthouse with Panoramic Views</h4>
        <p>Apartment details</p>:
          <li><b>Location:</b>789 Skyline Drive, Metropolis</li>
          <li><b>Price:</b> $1,200,000</li>
          <li><b>Bedrooms:</b> 3</li>
          <li><b>Bathrooms:</b> 3</li>
        <p><a href="">Learn more</a></p>
  2. Add the following code to your dialog script:

    Dialog script
    let data = {
        "properties": [
                "name": "Modern Apartment in the City Center",
                "location": "123 Main Street, Cityville",
                "price": "$500,000",
                "bedrooms": 2,
                "bathrooms": 2,
                "image": "",
                "url": ""
                "name": "Suburban Family Home",
                "location": "456 Oak Avenue, Suburbia",
                "price": "$750,000",
                "bedrooms": 4,
                "bathrooms": 3,
                "image": "",
                "url": ""
                "name": "Luxury Penthouse with Panoramic Views",
                "location": "789 Skyline Drive, Metropolis",
                "price": "$1,200,000",
                "bedrooms": 3,
                "bathrooms": 3,
                "image": "",
                "url": ""
    intent("Show available apartments", async p => {"Just a second...");
        // Transform apartments data
        let a = await transforms.render({
            input: data,
            query: 'Show available apartments'

    Here, the apartments data in JSON format are saved to data. When the user asks to show available apartments, the apartments data is rendered and presented using the defined template:
