Question answering

With Alan AI’s Q&A service, you can quickly build an AI-powered Q&A agent that will leverage your data sources, both static and dynamic, to address user queries. The Q&A service employs a combination of question answering, semantic search and code generation by AI to automatically deliver relevant responses and maintain multi-turn contextual conversations.

The Q&A service can be helpful if you already have a pool of information that you want to use to:

  • Handle user requests

  • Offer 24/7 automated support

  • Onboard new customers and employees

  • Provide instructions, training and so on

The Q&A service is a low-code solution that enables you to build a Q&A AI agent with minimal coding. It only requires you to specify your data sources and a few parameters. Once configured, the Q&A service automatically crawls the data sources and ingests the information from them to create a private knowledge memory for your AI agent, which is then used to converse with users.

When building a Q&A AI agent, you can combine diverse types of data sources. The Q&A service accepts the following data formats:

  • Web pages

  • Plain text

  • PDF

  • JSON data

Alan Al provides several tools to build a Q&A AI agent:

Static corpus

Learn how to crawl static data sources such as websites, web pages and PDF files.

Dynamic corpus

Learn how to crawl dynamic data sources: APIs, databases and so on.

Puppeteer crawler

Learn how to crawl dynamically loaded data and specific page sections with the Puppeteer crawler.

Corpus includes and excludes

Learn how to include and exclude specific documents from data corpuses.

Protected resources

Find out how to crawl websites and web pages that require basic authentication.

Corpus Explorer

Learn how to review and examine what data sources and content your Q&A AI agent utilizes to converse with users.