Sign up for Alan AI Studio

To start building a GenAI agent with Alan AI, you need to sign up for Alan AI Studio.

Alan AI Studio is a web-based IDE where you can create, test and manage AI agents. Here, you’ll define the data sources your AI agent will use, its overall logic, functionality and customize its appearance.

To sign up for Alan AI Studio:

  1. Go to the Alan AI Studio signup page.

  2. Specify your email address and password and click Sign Up.

  3. Alan AI will send a verification email to the email address. Check your inbox for the email and follow the instructions to verify the email address.

  4. In Alan AI Studio, click Create project, enter the project name and click Create.

  5. In the left pane of Alan AI Studio, click Add to create a new dialog script for the AI agent. Enter the script name and click Create Script.
