Conversational AI
August 15, 2017

What did you hear?

The average working adult spends 31.5% of their time listening. According to research by Adler, Rosenfeld, and Proctor, in their seminal research published in the 8th edition of their book, “Interplay: The process of interpersonal communicating”, we spend 70 % of our time communicating and 45% of that time listening. …
Alan AI® News and UpdatesConversational AI
August 5, 2017

“What did you say?”

Millions of people still write notes on paper. According to research published by Mueller (Princeton) and Oppenheimer (UCLA) “taking notes by hand is better than taking notes on a laptop for remembering conceptual information long term.” But it’s hard to take notes by hand and simultaneously contribute to business discussions.…
Conversational AI
May 10, 2017

Thank you for arriving “Just in Time”

Are millennials better prepared for the "Age of Accelerations"? In his latest book “Thank You for Being Late”, Thomas Friedman asserts that we live in the “age of accelerations” - due to Moore’s Law, market globalization, and climate change. The problem is that our ability to adapt is only improving…
Conversational AI
October 16, 2016

Hear! Hear! Voice has arrived

With the recent announcement of Apple AirPods and Google Pixel -- as well as Google Home – voice has finally entered the consumer mainstream, at long last. Apple struck first on September 7th with its announcement of the next generation of Siri on iPhone 7 and iOS10. This announcement included…
Conversational AI
July 18, 2016

Security by Design

At Synqq, we ensure your data is protected and uncompromised when in transit and while at rest. Here’s how we do it: #1: Encryption for data in transit and at rest. The data transfer from the Synqq cloud to the devices and browsers are always Transport Layer Security encrypted, commonly…