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Alan @ IIT Bay Area Leadership Conference 2018

By June 11, 2018December 14th, 2023No Comments
In this picture, Senior Product Manager James Shelburne (far left), CEO & Founder Ramu Sunkara (far left), CPO Gaurav Kuchhal, and Business Developer Norm Koo (far right) pose with IIT team member (center).

Alan’s 1st trade show – IIT Bay Area Leadership Conference at Santa Clara on June 9, 2018. Alan (named after Alan Turing) adds voice to your application – Web sites, Web and Mobile Applications in your Enterprise. Check us at

What is the IIT Bay Area Leadership Conference?

The IIT Bay Area Leadership Conference is hosted by the Indian Institute of Technology Bay Area Alumni (IITBAA), a California nonprofit public benefit corporation. IITBAA is focused on the professional development of IIT alumni from all campuses throughout India and the Bay Area in California. Their goal is to educate alumni on new technology trends, markets, and aspiring innovative startups. IITBAA arranges annual conferences on certain subject matters to discuss and network with startups. The conferences allow IIT alumni to be up to date in their workforce and give startups feedback on their ideas and progress.

Senior product Manager James Shelburne educating an individual about Alan Studio.

Who are we?

Alan Studio adds voice to enterprise applications in Web sites, Web and Mobile Applications. Alan is focused on creating a new form of Enterprise Voice AI applications. Integration can be done seamlessly in a few steps and can function in any workflow. Alan uses domain specific language models and contextual understanding that developers are able to take control of voice and create an effective voice commanded workflow that best fits their users’ needs. Get more information about us at

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