Alan AI configuration options

Alan AI Cloud configuration is split between 2 files:

  • cfg/dev/alan-common-config.yml contains configurable features settings

  • scripts/ contains deployment-related variables


The cfg/dev/alan-common-config.yml contains all the configurable features of Alan AI Cloud.

Authentication options

  • studioLogin: Configures authentication methods to log in to Alan AI Studio.

    • google:

      • enabled: Enables or disables SSO OAuth with Gmail accounts. The default is false.

    • github:

      • enabled: Enables or disables user login to Alan AI Studio using GitHub SSO OAuth. The default is false. Dependent on the master parameter github.enabled.

    • email:

      • enabled: Enables or disables registration and login using the user email. The default is true.

    • init:

      • users: Initial set of users with predefined roles.

        • email: The email address of the user.

        • roles: Array of roles assigned to the user. Possible roles include OWNER, ADMIN, TABLE_READ.

GitHub integration

  • github: Configures GitHub integration.

    • enabled: Enables or disables all GitHub integration features: logon using GitHub accounts and synchronization with GitHub. Default is false.

      • codeSync:

        • enabled: Enables or disables Alan AI projects synchronization with GitHub repositories (push/pull or CI/CD). Default is true. Dependent on the master parameter github.enabled.

For details, see Sharing and keeping scripts in GitHub and Adding a GitHub repository with a CI/CD workflow.

OAuth configuration

  • oauth: Configures OAuth providers.

    • google: contains configuration used to make calls to Google API.

      • clientId: Google OAuth Client ID.

      • secret: Google OAuth Client Secret.

    • github: contains configuration used to make calls to GitHub API.

      • clientId: GitHub OAuth App Client ID.

      • secret: GitHub OAuth App Client Secret.

      • personalKey: Personal access token for GitHub.

Invite friends feature

  • inviteFriends: Configures the invite friends feature.

    • enabled: Enables or disables the invite friends feature. The default is false.

Organization management

  • organization: Configures organization management.

    • enabled: Enables or disables the ability to create organizations and add users to them for simplified billing and resource management. The default is false. If this feature is enabled, the account that will be the organization owner should also be granted the createOrgAvailable capability to create an organization.

Concept video tool

  • conceptVideoTool: Configures the concept video tool.

    • enabled: Enables or disables the concept video tool in Alan AI Studio. The default is false.

Project configuration

  • project: Configures project settings.

    • testMode:

      • enabled: Enables or disables the test mode for projects. The default is true.

For details, see Test View.

Billing configuration

  • billing: Configures billing settings.

    • enabled: Enables or disables the ability to manage billing through interactions added to the Alan AI Studio account. The default is false.

  • payment:

    • stripe:

      • enabled: Enables or disables Stripe payment processing. The default is true.

        • clientId: Stripe Client ID.

        • apiKey: Stripe API key.

    • paypal:

      • enabled: Enables or disables PayPal payment processing. The default is true.

        • clientId: PayPal Client ID.

        • secret: PayPal Secret.

        • apiUrl: PayPal API URL.

Alan AI Analytics

  • analytics: Configures Alan AI analytics settings.

    • enabled: Enables or disables the Alan AI Analytics view in Alan AI Studio. The default is false.

      • charts:

        • voiceInteractions:

          • enabled: Enables or disables the Voice interaction chart. The default is true.

      • sessions:

        • enabled: Enables or disables the Session charts. The default is true.

      • googleLocation:

        • enabled: Enables or disables the Google location chart. The default is true.

For details, see Analytics View.

SMTP server configuration

  • email: Configures SMTP settings for sending verification emails.

    • gmail:

      • host: SMTP host

      • port: SMTP port

      • accounts: List of accounts used for sending emails.

        • email: The email address.

        • password: The email password.

    • sendgrid:

      • apiKey: SendGrid API key.

      • fromEmail: Default from email address for SendGrid.

Tools configuration

  • tools: Configures internal Alan AI tools.

    • tableBrowser:

      • enabled: Enables or disables the table browser tool. The default is true.

    • configSettings:

      • enabled: Enables or disables configuration settings tool. The default is true.

    • projectPatterns:

      • enabled: Enables or disables project patterns tool. The default is false.

    • promoCodes:

      • enabled: Enables or disables promo codes tool. Default is false.

    • customerSuccess:

      • enabled: Enables or disables customer success tool. Default is false.

    • userRoles:

      • enabled: Enables or disables user roles tool. Default is false.

    • plans:

      • enabled: Enables or disables plans tool. Default is true.

    • testUsers:

      • enabled: Enables or disables test users tool. Default is false.

    • rlhf:

      • enabled: Enables or disables reinforcement learning from the human feedback tool. Default is false.

    • metrics:

      • enabled: Enables or disables metrics tool. Default is false.

    • jaeger:

      • enabled: Enables or disables Jaeger tool for tracing. Default is false.

    • rayUi:

      • enabled: Enables or disables Ray UI tool. Default is false.

    • coreference:

      • enabled: Enables or disables coreference tool. Default is false.

    • act:

      • enabled: Enables or disables ACT tool. Default is false.

    • logUrls:

      • stage:

        • enabled: Enables or disables logging URLs for stage environment. Default is false.

      • prod:

        • enabled: Enables or disables logging URLs for production environment. Default is false.

The cfg/dev/alan-common-config.yml file contains all variables used for the Alan AI Cloud deployment:

  • GITHUB_TOKEN: GitHub Personal Access Token used for pulling images.

  • PROJECT_ID: Google Cloud Project ID and the name of the config subfolder in the cfg folder. Default is ans-development.

  • REGION: Region of the Google Cloud project. Default is us-central1.

  • CLUSTER_NAME: Kubernetes cluster name. Default is alan-k8s-cluster.

  • RELEASE_NAME: Helm deployment release name. Default is ans.

  • ALAN_EXT_IP: External IP address of the Kubernetes LoadBalancer. Default is

  • ALAN_DOMAIN: Domain name of the Kubernetes LoadBalancer or IP address. It will be used to access Alan AI Studio in a web browser. Default is

  • ALAN_WEBSITE: Website address for documentation and other resources. Default is

  • HELM_CHART_VERSION: Version of the Alan AI Cloud Helm chart to be deployed.