Analyze user queries

Alan AI provides advanced analytics on user queries, helping you understand how users interact with the AI agent. Alan AI anonymizes user information and logs all requests and responses, including unhandled queries. You can see patterns, identify frequently asked questions and spot the areas where the AI agent may need improvement.

Use Case

As a developer, you can use Alan AI Analytics to pinpoint where the AI agent may not be fully addressing user needs. For example, if you notice a high number of unhandled queries related to a specific topic, you can update the AI agent logic or expand its knowledge base to cover this area better.


To successfully follow this exercise, make sure the following prerequisites are met:

Access Alan AI Analytics

To view analytics data for your AI agent:

  1. In Alan AI Studio, at the top of the code editor, click Analytics.

  2. In the Users with dialogs widget, select a user.

  3. In the Dialogs widget, select a dialog session for this user.

  4. Review the user queries and AI agent responses:
