Step 14: Capture a comment

The user may leave a comment to the order, which can be any phrase. To capture an open-end phrase, we can use a slot with a greedy RegEx.

  1. To the dialog script, add the getComment context with a command to capture the user’s comment:

    Dialog script
    let getComment = context(() => {
        intent('My comment is $(COMMENT* (.+))', p => {
  `I'll' take a note: ${p.COMMENT.value}`);
  2. Update the intent in the getTime context: activate the getComment context from it and add another function to prompt the user to leave a comment:

    Dialog script
    let getTime = context(() => {
        intent('$(TIME)', '$(T now|asap|right now|as soon as possible)', p => {
            let time, date;
            if (p.T) {
                time = api.moment().tz(p.timeZone).add(30, 'minutes').format("h:mm a");
            if (p.TIME) {
                time = p.TIME.value;
  `We will deliver your order at ${time}`);
            // Prompting for leaving comments
  'Any comments?');
            // Activating the getComment context
     let getComment = context(() => {
         intent('My comment is $(COMMENT* (.+))', p => {
   `I'll' take a note: ${p.COMMENT.value}`);

    Web page source | Dialog script

Now, you can try the dialog with different phrases for a comment.