Predefined slots

You can use predefined slots to let Alan AI identify and retrieve some common types of data from the user’s input. Alan AI offers the following types of predefined slots:

Slot type

Short description


Matches a correct date in the user’s input, for example, today, March 3rd or two days ago


Matches time information in the user’s input, for example, 10:00 AM


Matches cardinal numbers in the user’s input, for example, 3 or 25


Matches ordinal numbers in the user’s input, for example, first or 22nd


Matches a location in the user’s input, for example, a city, district or address


Matches a name, surname or both in the user’s input, for example, John Doe


The DATE slot matches the user’s input when it can be represented as a correct date. For example, the DATE slot can match user inputs like today, last friday, tomorrow, yesterday, March 3rd, 2 days ago and so on.

Dialog script
intent('What is $(DATE)', p => {
    console.log(p.DATE.moment);`${p.DATE.value} is a date`);`It is ${p.DATE.moment.format("dddd, MMMM Do YYYY")}`);

Each DATE slot contains two special fields:

  • moment: date object from the moment.js library

  • luxon: the luxon date object

You can call all available methods for date formatting or any kind of calculations on dates. These two objects already use the date in the user timezone which is also always available in p.timeZone.

Dialog script
intent('What is (my|) timezone', p => {`Your current timezone is ${p.timeZone}`);


The TIME slot matches time information in the user’s input. If the user inputs time, the corresponding TIME slot value will be interpreted as time, and the slot is filled with time data.

Dialog script
intent('I will come at $(TIME)', p => {`Ok, we are waiting for you at ${p.TIME.value}`);

You can use the special .time field of the TIME object to get the number of seconds from midnight.

Dialog script
intent('How many seconds passed till $(TIME)', p => {`${p.TIME.time} seconds passed from midnight till ${p.TIME.value}`);


The NUMBER slot matches any cardinal number, for example 5, three, 256, one million. The .value field will contain the user’s input and the .number field will contain a numerical representation of this input.

Dialog script
intent('I want to order $(NUMBER) items', p => {
    console.log('User input:', p.NUMBER.value);
    console.log('Parsed number:', p.NUMBER.number);`You have ordered ${p.NUMBER.number} items`);


You can use the ORDINAL slot to get ordinal numbers like fist, second, 21st, 3rd. Its .value field will contain the user’s input and .number field will contain a numerical representation of this input.

Dialog script
const LIST = ["Anna", "Michael", "Lisa", "Alex"]

intent('Who is the $(ORDINAL) in the list?', p => {
    let member = LIST[p.ORDINAL.number - 1];`${member} is the ${p.ORDINAL.value} in the list`);


The LOC slot interprets the user’s input as a location. It can be a city, district, or full address string. For example, Washington, 36 West Bedford and so on.

Dialog script
intent('Navigate me to $(LOC)', p => {`OK! Calculating a route to ${p.LOC.value}.`);


The NAME slot interprets the user’s input as a person. It can be a name, surname, or both. So Alan, Turing, and Alan Turing all can be matched using this slot.

Dialog script
intent('Show contact details for $(NAME)', p => {`Getting contact details for ${p.NAME.value}`);


When testing voice and text commands with $(NAME) and $(LOC) slots in patterns in the Debugging Chat, type the street and name values with the initial capitals. Do not use abbreviations like ave. or dr.

Custom names for predefined slots

To access data captured by predefined slots, you can use system names of these slots or specify custom names. For example, to get a location, you can use the LOC slot:

Dialog script
intent('I need a ticket to $(LOC)', p => {`You have ordered a ticket to ${p.LOC.value}. Is it correct?`);

Alternatively, you can specify custom names for the predefined LOC slot and access the captured locations using these custom names:

Dialog script
intent('I need a ticket to $(toDirection LOC) and a ticket back to $(backDirection LOC)', p => {`You have ordered a ticket to ${p.toDirection.value} and a ticket to ${p.backDirection.value}`);'Is it correct?');

Multiple values in slots

If you need to capture multiple slot values at once, you can add a predefined slot to a pattern several times. For details, see User-defined slots.

You can access slot values by addressing a specific element in the array or define custom slot names. For details, see Custom names for predefined slots.

Predefined slot limitations

You cannot make predefined slots optional in patterns. Only user-defined slots can be made optional.